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The Middle East has set an example in development for the world. They have made significant accomplishments in economic growth but the main challenge now is human resource.

It has to be stated that the ranks of the GCC countries in the global indices of Human Resources development do not match their GDP rank, their enormous financial competencies empower them to achieve a better rank in human resources development on the global level. Yet we believe the GCC nations are getting prepared and are determined to face these challenges. In order to engage the on-demand workforce and retain talents, companies will need to consider how their HR programs, strategies, and analytic tools can be applied to this specific audience.

Human Resource Departments in UAE still lack adequate analytics and extent progressions that associate HR data and performance to business data and goals. People.Partners can help accelerate the Return on Human Capital Investment and strengthen GCC’s influence among the top notch HR management country worldwide.

With localized features such as Nitaqat, Air Ticket Management, Employee Cost, End of Service Calculations, we are a one-stop solution for all Strategic HR needs. With SaaS as well as On-Premise offerings, People.Partners is the most suitable product to serve the SME as well as the Enterprise Market.