Join People.Partners today!

USD 0.25 per employee per month will be charged. Employee license can be purchased in blocks of 50
Total Storage Space for Physical Files uploaded will be calculated @100MB per user
$ 25
per user/month
$ 7
per user/month
$ 5
per user/month
$ 3
You can design your own format for evaluating employees after completion of their probation period
You can design your own format for evaluating employees after completion of their probation period
Conduct periodical performance reviews (as per user-defined frequency)
Auto identification of 'Training Needs' based on competency scores
The system suggests increment based on Employee’s Total Achievement
$ 15,000
(for Selection of New Recruits as well as Existing Employees)
(for Selection of New Recruits as well as Existing Employees)
(Behavioral and Capability Profiling)
(for Selection of New Recruits as well as Existing Employees)
(Dashboard, Sentiment Visualization, Real-time Analytics)
(Leaderistiks 360 Survey)
(Open as well as Anonymous)