Behavioral Profiling
Our clients benchmark the behaviors required for success both as a team or in a specific job. Then use compatibility assessments when making selection, promotion and mobility decisions.
The behavioral profiling tools and reports are also used for employee, team and leadership development. The reports help in the understanding of self and others and provide recommendations on development. Our clients also use the reports to help their personal, team, sales and leadership effectiveness programs.
Capability Profiling
How quickly a new recruit learns new procedures and reacts to change can mean the difference between success and failure in their job. And a CV can only tell you so much. But it can't tell you who will hit the ground running and make an early impact in the role.
The capability assessment measures a person's mental horsepower. And by understanding how quickly your candidates can learn and retain new skills and procedures, you will have a reliable prediction of their potential to grasp or develop into a new role. You'll also get an indication of how well they'll respond to training. The Assessment will assist organizations in:
- Identifying High Potentials, helping in creating the Leaders of Tomorrow.
- Understanding your employee’s capabilities.
- Developing your performer’s by giving them the right challenges.
Emotional Intelligence
The Emotional Intelligence measures the interaction between a person and the environment he/she operates in. Assessing and evaluating an individual’s emotional intelligence can help establish the need for targeted development programs and measures. This, in turn, can lead to dramatic increases in the person’s performance, interaction with others, and leadership potential.
The assessment is versatile in workplace environments and can be used by employers as a screening tool in hiring, leading to the selection of emotionally intelligent, emotionally healthy, and the most-likely successful employees. Supplemented by other sources of information, such as interviews, the assessment can make the recruitment and selection process more reliable and efficient. A sound recruiting process leads to higher retention rates and reduced turnover which can result in significant cost savings, improved employee effectiveness and increased morale